Sunday, February 5, 2017

Crashfest Multicultures In One Stage

In times of racial tension when there are some opposing inclusion and richness of culture Crashfest is a diverse music festival standing up to the values of a greater America. Attendees rejoice as they danced to eclectic music stemming from different places in the world. I for one was very happy to be represented by the ladies of La Dama who sang some typical songs and incorporated instruments known in the South America regions. The crowd was appreciative of the foreign sounds and dances and were overall please with so many different cultures together. There was of course other bands which roots were closer to local roots that were equally as lively and artistic. Overall, a pleasant and lively music fest hope there are many more in the future of Crashfest.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Subersive Art The Deconstruction of Space

The art of many centuries pasts was dedicated to aesthetic excellence and as such follow the regulations and mainstream ideologies. However, as time went on art was not only seen as perfect symmetry and flawless lines but as the juxtaposition on the canvas of signs which deconstructed the regular order of aesthetics. Painters who broke the mold were seen as crazy an inept but in reality they created the grounds for the expression of the subcultures which we have experienced through the years, initiators such as the painter Edouard Manet illustrated a disconnection of characters, space and the lack of logic. The paintings were disorderly opening new avenues of perception which gave way to almost dreamy fictitious landscapes and scenes escaping reality as we know it.  
The distortion of society became then prevalent in subversive art and rules were broken in most recent times by anonymous individuals in city walls tagging and defacing private property, unlawful actions which were elevated to a pedestal. The method of defacing buildings which belong to an institution provided the perfect scenario for subversive art to be performed and elaborate or simple taggings on the streets overall gave power to the marginalize the power to disfigure. As we can see now in many cities like Toronto were tourists now presence in a relatively open space which was before hidden from the dominant society. Below are pictures from Graffiti Wall Toronto.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Photography or Writing With Light

Photography's advent gave birth to the camera obscura of the 15th century which led to the camera of the 19th century and freezing time into frames became the norm, almost working as a time machine. Through pictures we can now have a more vivid account of the scenarios happening in our lives and others lives and maybe even submit them to a timeline taking into consideration our own inner senses of time. In fact, according to Kant "Time is nothing but the form of the institution of ourselves and of our inner state" so to have a first hand account of freezing  the time of the passerby I joined the Unsplashcommunity in Boston as we walked around the commons and the famous Acorn street photographing proper citizens as they walked the city streets.